MASGNA Board Positions
The President’s term is a four-year commitment and the Secretary and Treasurer are four-year terms. The committee chairs are appointed by the board.
The President’s term is a four-year commitment and the Secretary and Treasurer are four-year terms. The committee chairs are appointed by the board.
The following officers will be up for election this year:
We have an annual meeting held in September during the ACG/VCG/Mid-Atlantic SGNA meeting in Williamsburg, VA. Our quarterly meetings are held via ZOOM.
Exciting News For Our Certified Members
The board has approved helping those who decide to sit for their certification by giving them $125 to help defray the costs of becoming certified.
Also, we have approved to assist those who are recertifying by giving them $100 to help defray the cost of recertifying. Application process TBA.​
Scholarship Opportunities
SGNA’s Mid-Atlantic Region will continue to offer the following scholarships:
​SGNA National Course
Offering 2
Applications due 60 days prior to the course
ACG/VCG/Mid-Atlantic SGNA
Offering 1
Application due 30 days prior to the conference.
CGRN Certification Exam
Awarded after successful completion of the exam​​
Requirements Include:
A member of SGNA for 2 years
Currently employed as a caregiver in gastroenterology
You must actively support the goals and philosophy of SGNA
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